Make light right.

Fix dark photos and videos instantly.



Instantly fix your dark and underexposed photos and videos. Lighting isn’t always perfect. Maybe the room was poorly lit, the sun didn’t cooperate, or a shadow got in the way of a special moment. Rescue them with Brightly. Brightly uses state of the art research in computer vision to automatically enhance lighting and contrast, intelligently restoring your dark photos and videos.

Instant Results

Automatically fix your dark and underexposed photos and videos with a tap. Want more control? Get just the right look with powerful lighting, color, and noise adjustments.

Smart Exposure

Brightly differs from other apps with its use of computer vision to allow for photos to be restored in a way that is modeled after how the human eye actually sees light, color, and contrast.

Magic Lighting

Fix your dark photos and videos after you capture them with Brightly’s powerful computational photography engine, without the long exposure times or blur typical of other low light apps.

Fast and powerful.

Light, shadow, and color are restored intelligently on your existing photos and videos with no long exposure times or blur, so you can spend less time editing and more time capturing the moment.

Computational Lighting

Brightly’s computational photography engine balances light and shadow automatically, so you can spend less time editing. Restore dark photos without blowing out highlights, all while enhancing the detail that is often lost in dark areas of the photo. Use the Magic Bar to add just the right amount of light. We call it the Magic Bar for a reason.

Night mode, anytime.

Bring your existing photos and videos back to life without long exposures that are typical of other low light apps.


“Such a timesaver over other editing apps, and so far, it’s doing wonders for my darker photos that I probably wouldn’t have had the time and effort to fix. As a photographer, that excites me.”

— Laura K.



  • Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.


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